The Great Blackberry Garden Treasure Hunt - Discoveries Day 1

Day one of the Great Blackberry Garden Treasure Hunt has happened and treasures have been found!  Exciting treasures.

I found a cabbage lurking in the forget-me-nots.  A very treasured find.
The wonderful Cynical Gardener on Twitter found some diamonds!  Lots of diamonds fell from the sky yesterday so she was right to catch them as soon as she could.
Cynical Gardener also has that special treasure of special seeds germinating.  Few things are exciting as those seeds you were not convinced would actually germinate actually germinating!  This does however imply that there is only treasure in Leicestershire where we are both based.  Now I know that as a city we have form for finding Kings etc buried in carparks, but there must be treasures in other places too?

and the emerging in my garden were the first signs of life from the Begonia evansiana which has overwintered outside with no protection totally successfully.  Definitely a treasure.

What can you find in your garden? lurking in your houseplants? outdoors when you are out and about?  Join in and share your finds using the hashtags #blackberrygardentreasurehunt and #chelseafringe and maybe your finds will be featured in the write-up tomorrow.

Stay safe and be kind 

For more from the Blackberry Garden follow me on Twitter and Facebook 


  1. I love the idea of a garden treasure hunt! And I find treasures quite often since I regularly let the occasional lettuce, spinach, chard, cabbage, or carrot go to seed. The hoverflies and other beneficial insects love the flowers, I love stumbling on a yellow beet tucked in among my tomato plants!

    1. Thanks - please join in and post on twitter or instagram some of your finds - it would be great to see them. Just remember to use the hashtags #blackberrygardentreasurehunt and #chelseafringe so I can find them.


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