The Great Blackberry Garden Treasure Hunt - Discoveries Day 7

If we are at Day 7 there are only two more days to go of this Chelsea Fringe Event, I shall miss it when it is over as I have really enjoyed the treasures everyone has shared.  The weather has been so horrid here today I am impressed by anyone being out there finding treasures so a huge thank you!

Barbara Segall, over on instagram, shared this beautiful Silene fimbriata which she says is 'rising like a green tide in the border'; I can just picture it.
Barbara also shared this Hebe hulkeana  as a treasure and it is such a delicate pretty thing.  I confess of not always thinking too kindly of Hebes but never judge a whole genus by the ones you tend to see in car parks!  This one I would find room for any day of the week.  A worthy treasure.
Karen Gimson's treasure is this new growth on the beech tree in her garden that evoked memories of when they first saw the house before they bought it.  This counts as special treasure: a memory attached always adds extra value.
This 'humble' tray of lettuce was the treasure shared by Plantnews  This seemingly mild lettuce proved its mettle by resisting the winds and rain of the last 24 hours and did not fly off the top of the water butt where it had been resting.  It stayed put magnificently which makes it a loyal treasure.

Over on Twitter Valerie shared these Welsh Poppies (Meconopsis cambrica) which have self-seeded amid Snow in Summer (Cerastium tomentosum). Welsh Poppies are a great favourite of mine and I always think self-seeders (generally) are a treasure (not so sure about the many self-seeded brambles in my garden.....)
Walnut Kitchen Garden shared this worm as treasure.  What amazing treasure a worm is!  As said in the original tweet - where would our gardens be without them.  Every one does indeed count.
Joanna from Plants@work shared this treasure of hawthorn blossom.  I love the pretty pink hawthorn flowers. 
Archie the Wonderdog shared this delightful treasure of a bee and aquilegia ensemble.  The aqueligias are just starting to flower in my garden and they are a big favourite of the bees.  A good treasure to share.
Sarah Barker's treasure for the day is this rained on small feathery leaved lush Paeonia tenuifolia, this time last year it was in full bloom. It's structure is so delicate "but it copes brilliantly with the autumnal weather of May 2021!" - a sentiment I can identify with though mine has decided not to flower at all this year. So I am pleased to see that this one is managing to keep going.
RosesUK has chosen this Rosa Penelope as their treasure for the day.  An excellent choice and not a rose I have in my garden.... yet.....  This is an apt treasure this week as apparently it nearly always starts to flower in RHS Chelsea Flower Show week, though with the current rain/cold conditions one can only wish it luck this year.
Evergreen Em & Pumpkin shared this amazing aquiligea as their treasure today.  Stunning or what?  Apparently it appeared from nowhere in a planter.  Surprise treasure from unknown sources is always exciting.

Thank you to everyone who has taken part today, it has been great fun.  I wonder what treasures will be found tomorrow?  Use the hashtags #blackberrygardentreasurehunt and #chelseafringe to join in.


  1. I am enjoying your Fringe event but the weather has been too awful here! Maybe today is the day for me to find some treasure...I hope so!

    1. I'm surprised anyone found any treasure with the weather being so dreadful. I hope you manage to get some outside time today and please do join in if you can


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