Irritating Plant of the Month - a tale of two tree peonies

Let me begin this month's irritating plant conversation is all a bit over here and over there.

Indulge me.

The January and February Irritating Plant of the Month posts discussed the tree peony in the front garden.  It was not being irritating as such, but I was concerned that late frosts might destroy the healthy looking flower buds that were forming.  So I start this month with a 'ta da!'
The front garden tree peony has successfully flowered.
and when I say successfully,
I mean that I look out of the front window and smile and smile and smile.  Total joy is not an adequate description.

Nothing irritating here I hear you say, no indeed.  What is irritating however is that whilst I was looking over here, something else was happening over there.
The over there in question was the tree peony in the Exotic Border.  This tree peony usually produces a flower and so I consider it reliable.  It did not cross my mind to worry about it.  It is shooting out new growth well at the moment, but is clearly weeks behind the others.  If I look more closely into its centre I can see why.
It has suffered serious frost damage that has set it right back.  As is often the irritation is with myself and not with the plant.  I should have protected it, I should have realised it might struggle in the late frosts.

So I sigh, chalk it up to experience and vow to be more careful next year.
and go back to smiling at the beautiful pink flowers in the front garden.  Happy sigh......


  1. That's the worst bit about being a honest gardener. One gets irritated with the plants, but then realises the root cause of the disaster is all one's own daftness, and not the plant's fault. I know that feeling so well. Congratulations on the lovely flowers though! and I love the combination with the bluebells

  2. I hope your tree peony does better next year.


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