End of Month Review January 2025

January is always so long isn't it?  A good week or even two longer than any other month.  At least it starts to get lighter as the month goes on but it is generally one of grey and mist and cold and rain.  Today, however, as I write it is the Winter joy of frost and sun.  This is good.

It was quite early in the morning when I took these photos and the frost was not yet on the move.  This is the border under the magnolia tree in the front garden.  I have recently removed a lot of the magnolia leaves from the ground as they clog up the snowdrops somewhat and make the hellebores feel inadequate.  There is good new growth on the tree peony and I am looking forward to the effects of the new light that having the shed and hedge and ivy cut back has created.  Throughout all this, the stone cat sleeps.
I was delighted and astonished to see that the aconites were appearing.  I did not think that they would survive the digger that pummeled the ground above them, but clearly they were sleeping deeply enough to reappear.
The first tiny species narcissus is also just starting to flower.  This is a real sign of Spring.
What I now call the gate snowdrops also survived the front garden project.  These survived having a gate installed around them.  These are the only snowdrops planted in my garden when I moved in.  There were no other bulbs at all anywhere in the garden, so I am pleased to see them reappear.
and there is growth appearing on the new roses I planted in the front garden.  I am so excited to see how they will grow and hopefully flower this year.  I will bore you silly with them - promise.
This is my new bird table.  I used to always have a bird table by the side of the house but the ivy took over and the rowan tree semi collapsed.  Now I have reclaimed this space I can have a bird table again.  After a slow start it is now proving to be a hit.  It took about 24 hours for the first birds to try it out.  I wonder if the smell of the new wood has to wear off?  Now nearly a week in it is attracting blackbirds and this has made me very happy.  They will not eat from bird feeders so I feel like this is a good thing to help support them through the Winter.
The Smell Me and Dye Garden is sleeping.  The protection I constructed over the onions and garlic has collapsed.  Sigh, but I will rebuild it, it will be fine.
The Courtyard Garden is not as frosty as the other side of the house, it is just that little bit sheltered.  The plants are grateful for this.
The garden is probably at its scrappiest this time of year.  I do not clear up the dead stems or cut back foliage until Spring is here.  It provides good hibernation spots for insects and when very frosty looks rather good.
Natasha and Elsie snooze with snowdrops and winter aconites to keep them company.
They think Gary is silly as he keeps falling over.  They are probably right.
Madelaine, probably my favourite snowdrop, is starting to flower.  From two bulbs this little clump has developed.  This makes me very happy.
The Dancing Lawn is currently a couple of snowdrops and a scattering of cyclamen coum.  Soon the crocus and the narcissus will start to emerge and the bejewelling will get into full swing.
The tree ferns are cold.  Their crowns are stuffed so let's hope they are sleeping safely.
The Winter Clematis, Clematis cirrhosa, is flowering well.  One of the best Winter flowering plants to have in a garden in my view.  I would not be without one.
I love this patch of snowdrops under the Medlar Tree.  They love it here.  I used to buy a couple of hundred every Spring but now I have enough to keep dividing them.  That will be a day I enjoy in a few weeks once they have gone over.
The snowdrops circle around the garden through the Wild Garden.  This makes me very happy.
This Cornus 'Midwinter' also sort of makes me happy.  Sort of as it is has taken it many years to get to be this still rather small size.  On the plus side though the stems are shining this year and that is great to see.  It has struggled over the years from my poor pruning (I stopped pruning it, it was the opposite of what it needed).  I am rather hoping it will now go from strength to strength.  Time will tell.....
There is colour and scent in the garden.  This Daphne Jacqueline Postill, a delight,
This too is Ms Daphne, scenting the path that leads into the garden.
The Winter Honeysuckle is flowering well.  There were no bees about but the early ones do love it.
and the Edgeworthia is getting ready to flower.  I can see that the florets are starting to thicken up and push out.  I love this shrub and its scent more than is reasonable.
The pond was not really frozen over as I was taking the photos, it has frozen over once this year, but not too bad so far.  No sign of frogspawn yet!

Until next time.....

Take care and be kind.

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