Tree Following May 2024 - Quincelet time

Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah! We are at the time of the year when the quincelets should be forming, and.....

look, look, look! there they are, as the petals wither away having completed their task of inviting the bees in - there is the forming of the swelling of a quincelet.  Am I excited by this? you betcha!  Look at its little furry plumpness - cute or what!
It is a time of transition as there are still blossoms on the tree.  The blossoms are long lasting this chilly but thankfully not really frosty Spring.  The rain, and there has been much rain, has been helpful too for the Quince Brothers.  They have not suffered from the Spring drought that sometimes visits this time of year.  The trees have been primed as best they could be for a good fruiting season.
Both of the Quince Brothers are looking very quincey, this is very heartening.
Is bird-poo a good fertiliser?   I suspect that there are pigeons nesting in the large field acer that is close to Quince Major, they seem to poo on him alot.
So I am full of hope for this quince season.  Maybe the pruning that I did earlier in the year has helped the Quince Brothers focus their minds for the task ahead?  Time will tell.

The quest for a quince 2024 is on!

More followed trees under the courtesy of Squirrel Basket can be found here.

Take care and be kind.

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  1. I do like new beginnings! such cute little fruit.

  2. Good to see fruit forming on both trees. xx

  3. Excellent - glad all that rain did some good... :)


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