Letter to the Garden December 2023 - all will be well

Dear Garden

How are you?  Rather wet and soggy after snow, ice and rain. You are very muddy but I am getting on with weeding and sorting when I can.

You do feel a little out of control at the moment dear garden.  'The rain it raineth every day' as Bill would say.  I was reminded of this quote the other day on X/Twitter and it sent me back to my A Level English Shakespeare topic which was King Lear.  As with most things I had to learn at school it did not leave me with a great feeling about this play, yet it clearly had an impact as I often mutter 'Poor Toms a' cold' on freezing days.  

We have had a lot of rain, luckily it does not flood here (so far - never say never) but the garden is saturated and sodden.  It is so very muddy everywhere and the lawn squelches up water if I walk upon it.  We have gone from -6 when my car was frozen solid and I could not get the door open to now when it is fairly mildly wet and stormy.  Such is winter I think to myself, such is winter now I correct myself.  I always think that December is a rainy month, but this is rainy+

I really need to get some time in the garden, there is tree pruning to be done and I have my new chainsaw on a stick champing at the bit to be used.  I have had a play with it but there is a lot that needs doing.  I also, dear garden, need to get someone around to prune the big bramley tree.  This is a job that needs someone who actually knows what they are doing to tackle.  The tree has got really big and overhangs my neighbours' garden more than I think they enjoy.  They have not said anything about it yet, but I would rather deal with it before they mention it to me.

Jobs, jobs, jobs, there is always so much to do.  But I walk around in between torrential downpours and enjoy seeing how you are doing: how the trees are falling deep into their winter sleep, how the buds on the Spring flowers are already shaping up and there are the very first signs that there will be snowdrops.

So as Julian(a) of Norwich said: "All will be well, and all will be well and all manner of things will be well."  Maybe this could be a new sign in the garden......

Take care and much love

Your loving gardener x

Take care and be kind.

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