Tree following October 2022

Well dear Tree-Followers, here we are in October and the end game is in sight for the Quince Count.  Where have we got to today.......?

Let us being with Quince Major

Quince one

Quince Two

Two goodly shaped quinces - too high up to pick without a ladder, but they are there and I will pick them once they have turned that lovely yellow ripe colour.  I predict a crumble as the Kaiser Chiefs should have said.

Quince Minor

oh, oh dear, no photo of a quince because they are no longer attached.  I can find no sign of them.  A dastardly quince thief has taken them when I was not looking.  I blame squirrels, I always blame squirrels, rarely has my blame been proven to be misplaced.

Now some of you might say: but hang on a minute, last month you reported two quinces, one per tree.  Yes I did, but I cannot find any on Quince Minor and I found one very high up hiding on Quince Major.  They are tricksy, I always say they are tricksy because they are.  Your two 'go to' learning points from this blog are:

a)    Squirrels cannot be trusted

b)    Quince trees cannot be trusted

Who knew!

For more followed trees go the fabulous Squirrelbasket blog - steward of this stalked forest.

Take care and be kind.

For more from the Blackberry Garden follow me on Twitter Facebook and Instagram


  1. Oh no! pesky squirrels. I can just imagine them tucked up in a hole in a tree somewhere, tucking into your quinces. Laughing their tails off!


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