Now, where was I, oh yes, on the road trip. Episode 3 is a day of two parts. As mentioned previously we had not originally intended to head west on this trip, but some invitations are not to be missed and so west we went. I will explain more in Episode 3.2 (she says trying to create mystery). As we looked at our route we realised that Yeo Valley Gardens were sort of on the way. I had missed an organised visit to these gardens last year and had really wanted to go. Today this was going to happen.
The rain was threatening our visit but we were undeterred. Yeo Valley Gardens are proudly organic. They are adjacent to and part of the Yeo Valley dairy. You can say hello to the cows if you park in (probably the wrong) car park just over the road from the entrance to the garden. Obviously I did not do this.....I am not sure if this photo really works, but you can hopefully see the rain sweeping in from the left. We watched it move across the valley.The gardens are special. There are several different areas. This part near the house is quite gravelly.There is a lot of perennial planting as I sure you would expect, the borders are planted to be sustainable.I had moments of potager and arch envy,There really are some wonderful scupltures around the gardens. I really liked this 'iris'.The silver birch glade is very special, it is calming and peaceful and does not take up as much space as you think it might. There was a brief heavy downpour of rain and we sheltered in the yurt until it had passed. Just look how lovely the roof is? (do yurts have roofs......?)The gravelly bit of the garden was possibly my favourite bit. It was gleaming after the rain had passed.
We nodded hello to the very beautiful egg-chair (possibly not its real name). This had featured in the Yeo Valley Organic Garden designed by Tom Massey at RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2021 I had liked the chair then and I like it still.and there was this most glorious smoke-tree! Too big to be a bush. I know this is a stupid thing to say, but I did not know they could be a tree, they always seem more bushy/shrubby. Anyhoo, guess what is now on my 'must fine one' list.I really enjoyed our visit. They have a fabulous cafe too and a gift shop that sells all sorts of things including old books.Well I cannot resist old books and the illustrations inside are so pretty.
Next is the final leg of this road trip, and what a finale it was.
Episode 1 - Gravetye Manor
Episode 2 - RHS Wisley
Episode 3.2 Iford Manor and the Rose of the Year 2023
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