I was asked the other day if I would like to receive some succulents from Eddington House Nursery to write about on my blog. I do love a good succulent so I of course said yes. I have to be transparent and state that I have not paid for these plants. I have not been paid to write this review and my words and opinions are my own.
I love succulents, they are such easy plants to grow and the variety of shapes and forms and colours is just astounding. They can be neglected and be quite happy as they do not need a lot of watering. If they get too much water they will rot, so you do need to watch out for that. I wait until the compost feels dry when I poke my finger into it (technical measuring device) and then give them a water. I also feed throughout the growing season.and succulents are very forgiving. They arrived liked this.I unwrapped them and they looked fine, a couple looked like they needed some water but they have weathered the journey well.They were in quite small pots and so I decided to pot them on. Now we all know that when we see photos of succulents in pots they are top-dressed with gravel. I had no gravel and for a moment looked at them and thought that after a tidy up they would be fine.and then I thought how much better they would look with a gravel top-dressing. My top-tip when buying gravel from any on-line store is when the bag arrives and you decide to remove the outer packaging take care not to cut through into the bag of gravel itself. It really does make a big mess on the kitchen floor and even after hoovering several times you will still be skating on grit. Not that I did that myself, obviously.They do look so nice when topdressed. I am glad I caved and did so.This one is my current favourite. It looks a bit alien and I love the glossy green of it.Thank you Eddington House Nursery for my plants. I shall over-summer them outside and enjoy every minute of them.
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