Tree Following November 2020 - When your plans start to crumble.....

 in the best possible way....

As feared in my October update, Quince Major lost its one solitary surviving quince and so the 'Quince King of the Garden' crown went this year to Quince Minor for the first time.  Quince Minor may have gloated over this a little too much, but I think he's allowed.  He has made us wait a while for the first quinces to reach harvest.
I wondered what to do with the two quinces as it was not enough to make jelly with, but then I thought when all else fails there is always apple crumble.  A quince or two in apple crumble makes a great enhancement.
Apples were picked from the Bramley tree in the garden and soon they were peeled, cut and ready to be covered in their crumbly blanket.
Does anybody else eat raw crumble mix with a spoon, just to check it tastes right ....... no?  just me then.....
and then, ta da, it was ready.  At the time of making the crumble it was not possible to have both my children in the house at the same time due to local Covid restrictions so I have popped the crumble into the freezer so that when we are all able to get together we can have crumble (crimble crumble).  There is also a carton of lactose free milk in the freezer as one of my children cannot have dairy but we have to have custard.  Where there is a will......

I would like to pretend to you I used an old family recipe handed down carefully through the generations.  Romantic as this sounds in truth I used a recipe from the BBC Good Food website.  I made up the weight with apples and did not use the rolled oats suggested.  I am pretty sure that had either of my grannies had access to the website they would have used the same one too......

Meanwhile the trees are losing their leaves and thinking about winter.

More followed trees can be found here c/o Squirrelbasket

Stay safe all and be kind.


  1. No, you're not the only one to eat raw crumble mixture with a spoon, it is Yummy!

  2. I'd never thought of adding quince to an apple crumble! Good idea! I often add sultanas to my crumbles

  3. Two quinces are much better than no quinces. And practically anything can be turned into a crumble pie. Hope you get to enjoy it soon!

  4. When I saw the quinces with the apples, I was surprised—hadn't realized they were that large. Or are those little apples ;)


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