What? Already?? I hear you cry - were you not praising your tree fern only the other day. Dear reader, I have never claimed to be anything but fickle....
I recently wrote about my tree fern purchase this year and how it has been a bit of a false start. However, the ferns now seem on track and I was in a happy place. Until....The top of frond has fallen off...There it is, fallen to the ground.Personally I blame squirrels. I blame them for most things in the garden that I cannot blame slugs for. The cats are adamant that anything a reasonable person could blame a cat for has in fact been caused by squirrels. I blame the squirrels for encouraging my cats to lie .....
At least other new fronds are still emerging so I know it is ok before we go into the colder winter months. The crowns are now stuffed with straw and protected as the first of the hard frosts are upon us.
I did warn you my tree-fern-angst would go into overdrive......
I've only just come across your blog and IPOTM is truly inspired. My irritating plant right now is cavolo nero. It has been eaten and enjoyed by every living creature in my garden, apart from me!