Tree following August 2020 - the quince count continues

 Oh what a joy it is to have a quince count again this year.  Last year there was one successful quince grown, which was fewer than the year before but in honesty, each quince is prized in its own right.   This year is the first year Quince Minor has joined in the count and that alone is enough for meq to celebrate wildly.

The quince count is currently:

Quince Minor

One quince

Two quince

wait for it.....

Three quince

Yes that's right - three quinces on Quince Minor.  These quinces are tricksy things and hide very well at times.  I am very pleased to fine this one growing so well.  This is not the weak looking quincelet I was looking at in July, that did drop off, this one has been keeping itself in the shade.  Probably wise in this current heatwave.

Quince Major

One quince

I could only find one quince on Quince Major today, so I suspect that one may have succumbed to gravity.  As said above, each quince is prized and if I end up with a total of four quinces in the Autumn I shall be beyond happy.

As ever time will tell....

Thanks as ever to Squirrelbasket for hosting this meme.


  1. I'm glad that it seems like you will finally get a quince harvest. Hope nothing goes wrong at the last moment.

  2. It's pouring down in Edinburgh at the moment so your sunny photos are particularly welcome! Hope you enjoy your four quinces when they're ready

  3. Time to get out those recipes...
    What a lovely collection of magnificent quinces you have this time.
    Thanks for sharing :)


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