Tree following April 2020 - are they looking a little pale?

Is it really one month since the last tree following post?  Surely not?  I reckon it is about three weeks tops.

Oh well.
It must be four weeks as there has been progress.  Now there are definite buds that can be seen on the trees.
Both Major and Minor have definite buds.  This is very exciting.  There have been some cold nights recently and a frost every now and again, but I am hopeful that soon we will be through the frost-zone.
It is very exciting that both trees seem to have a lot of blossom forming....


whilst I love the chartreuse colour, and last month I saw it as fresh green colours, I started to worry that they might look a little pale?

Thankfully one of the joys (and I shall claim justification) for the year on year obsessive quince tree following is that I can check back and assure myself that the foliage is always this colour this time of year.


More followed trees can be found here under the stewardship of Squirrelbasket.


  1. Phew! Glad that is the usual colour, as yes, they do look pale!
    If it's anything like here in Wales, I expect you are now having a long stretch of dry and sunny weather after many weeks of cold rain...
    Stay safe :)

  2. Keeping my fingers crossed that you will get tasty quinces this year.

  3. That's interesting about the colour of the leaves. They do look surprisingly pale. Glad it turns out that is what is to be expected.


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