Product Review Henchman Tripod Ladder

So there I was at the Garden Press Event in Early March; standing in front of the Henchman Ladder stand, as I do at every garden event where these ladders are on display.  Similarly to how Wayne Campbell looks at the guitar of desire in Waynes World; I whisper to myself  'one day she will be mine' and sigh wistfully.  I was therefore delighted to be asked if I wanted to trial one of the ladders.  Did I say yes, well of course of did.  I have to be clear that I have not paid for this ladder and I have not been paid to write this review.  My words and opinions are, as ever, my own.
I chose to trial the eight foot platform tripod ladder.  It arrived within a couple of days and was delivered by a very cheery and very helpful delivery service.  I always like to praise good delivery and this was a very good delivery.

It then rained pretty much none stop for the next couple of weeks.  Then, at last, we had a couple of dry consecutive days.  The ground was finally firm enough to get out into the garden and get on with some practical work.  It was a perfect 'get yourself up a ladder' day.

First thing to note is that this ladder is lightweight.  I am not a weightlifter by trade and I found this ladder very easy to pick up and move around.  It is made of aluminium and weighs 8kg.  I checked the instructions carefully and then set the ladder up.  The feet are individually adjustable, so you can use it safely on uneven ground.  The website says they are 'safe ladders for uneven terrain' and this is true.  The legs lock firmly and easily and can soon be adjusted so that the ladder is stable.
Here I am, up the ladder, trimming and weaving the pleached hornbeams.  Excuse the garden clothing, it was a fiendishly cold day when I was doing this.  This is now where I have to tell you I am not a person who is very comfortable climbing ladders.  I am what is generally known as a wobbler.  I find it hard to feel stable and safe but with the nature of my garden I have jobs where only a ladder will do.  This Henchman ladder lived up to all my expectations.  I could not believe how stable I felt when I was up there working.  I did not wobble and the ladder did not wobble.  I spent ages up there weaving the branches and trimming off bits here and there.

Henchman ladders are not the cheapest you can find on the market, they are also not by any measure the most expensive.  They are well made, live up to their promises and worth every penny.  Henchman took quite a risk in letting me review their ladder as I have genuinely wanted one for so long.  It could have been that I would have been very disappointed or, nearly as bad, totally unimpressed and underwhelmed.  I am absolutely overwhelmed with how good this ladder is.  I can hand on heart recommend this ladder.
