End of the Month Review - February 2018

February has been cold, really cold.  As I write this the winds are blowing in from Siberia as we are have falls of snow in bitterly cold blasts.  The up-side of this is that the days have got sunnier and there are few things as wonderful as a cold bright winter day (except a sunny warm summer day... and a sunny spring day.... and a sunny autumn day - I think I like sunny days).
In the driveway the Mahonia is flowering well too, I am very pleased that it has settled in well now.
The Cornus officinalis is also flowering, well, making a welcome sight as I leave the house in the mornings in the increasing lighter hours.
In the front garden the Quince Hedge is covered in flowers, I am yet to see a bee though this year.  The cold weather is not encouraging them out just yet.
The lavender edging just looks awful.  I need to dig it out.  As I am thinking this I am being watched by the latest addition to the family, the rather lovely Trev.
The Hellebores are flowering well around the edges of the Spring Border.
and the first daffodils are starting to open.
The Dancing Lawn is taking on its spring finery of crocii and the daffodils are pushing their way skywards.
This patch of snowdrops rests by the side of the eating apple tree.
and I delight in the amount of snowdrops that are now bunching around the Wild Garden.  I have two hundred more on order to help increase them.
The Iford Cherry has lots of buds developing.
As does the Magnolia Leonard Messel, this has to be one of my favourite favourite shrubs in the garden.
Talking of favourite shrubs, the Edgeworthia is getting through the winter so far (please let it get through this week, I shall be devastated to lose it now!).  The scent from the flowers is just divine.
The Fernery has been a corner of green all through the winter, this is a delight.
and the sky is blue of blues.
I end as ever on the pond, which is cold and currently frozen.  There is no sign of frogspawn just yet but I expect there should be some soon.

My thanks go to Helen for hosting this meme.


  1. It all looks so much more spring-like than my garden! Your lavender reminds me of this garden when we first moved in. We had a lavender walk up to our front door, which must have been gorgeous in its heyday but was all straggly and gnarled and falling over. It broke my heart just a little bit to rip it all out, but that is what I had to do. Now have spring bulbs, aubretia, helianthemum, alchemilla and geraniums in its place.


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