Winter Colours

We are getting closer to the shortest day and everything seems grey.  I am in that period of time I have often written about where I only see my garden in daylight at the weekend, I feel the absence of light and colour keenly.

At the point I am writing this, the garden is thawing from last weekend's snow.  There are still a few patches of snow on the ground in the colder parts of the garden.  I look at the grey overcast skies and in my mind all seems grey.
The colours of the garden appear tired and washed out, leached away by the cold.  In sympathy with my garden, I feel tired and washed out.

Close up the garden sighs, but with more distance ...
there is definite colour.  There are bronzes and greens offset by the darker browns.  The patches of snow and the frozen pond add some light and the beech pillars are getting closer to becoming the pillars I long for them to be.

Suddenly the realisation of colour makes everything seem brighter.  I briefly considered that a splash of blue sky would be welcome, but then I might have been distracted by the sky.  It is the muted background of the sky that makes the colours seem so welcome.  Now I want to knit something in these colours, a winter jumper the colours of the winter garden.  It will have to be done.


  1. Your lovely blog has inspired me to look properly at our garden and see the variety of colours there are - yellow bricks, golden grasses, shimmering water in the birdbath, red Cornus, terracotta pots, red watering can, and of course lots of greens.

  2. I remember how difficult it was when I was still working at this time of year just seeing weekend glimpses of the garden. Your post though shows that there is still colour out there Alison albeit in more subtle shades. Look forward to seeing a photo of your winter jumper here when it's finished.

  3. We also are in the dark, grey days for Christmas, we had some sun and that changes the world..... Anyway, I'm looking forward to January to the start of a bright new year, with some frost, sun and less rain.....

    1. It’s been grey & misty here all day - a bit of sun is very welcome particularly this time of year.

  4. I still love your arch, Alison! If anything, the wintry colours let any structures in the garden become more prominent - and I'm a big fan of seedheads. Who cares if it's all brown and gold - makes the spring colours more appreciated when they arrive! :D

  5. Lovely winter colours, dark red and browns. I love this time of the year. I love a walk on a crisp frosty morning knowing you can go home for your slow cooked warm and heart food with a cup of hot tea.

    Great blog Alison and another great year full of beautiful pictures and articles.


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