End of Month Review - March 2016

March was probably the driest month so far this year, until in recent days we have had the return of the rain and some blustery weather and some (now getting a bit late) frost.
There has also been sunshine and Spring-like days.  This photograph is partly to show off the blue sky but also to show the magnolia bud that has cast off its furry coat and is getting ready to open.
The Rhamnus in the front garden is also going from strength to strength.  After years of being in a pot it has finally put its roots down and decided to shine.
The Knot Garden is looking ok and has had its Spring removal of dead stalks etc.  It will soon be needing its first hair cut of the year, but not yet, not yet.
In the gravel garden a lone forget-me-not is starting to flower.  Experience tells me that forget-me-nots rarely remain lonely for long.  I love them, but they do seed around very freely.
The dalek pot is currently home to some Narcissus Elka.  I am very fond of this pretty little daffodil and it works very well in a pot.
In the Wild Garden last year's planting of Narcissus 'February Gold' has also proved to be a good idea.
The first pinpoints of blue of the muscari can also be seen.
The Long Shoot looks like the grass will need mowing soon.
The borders have had their Spring tidy up and look sparse and scrappy.
The peonies are starting to show (ignore the allium seedlings that pop up everywhere).
The Rheum is also putting out its bright red new leaves.
These anemones have been flowering for weeks.  They self-seed around gently, this is welcome.
The Spring Border is awash with flowering hellebores and daffodils.
The Woodland Border/Bog Garden is also looking quite flat as it waits for the new growth for this year.
I currently spend quite a bit of time staring at this patch of ground as I await the return of  the Chrysosplenium macrophyllum I bought last year from Crug Farm Nursery.  I know it is there somewhere, but will it return?
The Prairie Borders have been cut down now ready for their spring growth.  They look dreadful this time of year.  It is a good time of year for getting on top of the weeds in these borders, that is what I keep telling myself anyway.
Close by the Aldi acers are getting ready to have their moment to shine.  This one has really got quite large, I think it has doubled in size since planting and it is a very good tree.
The amalanchier (not from Aldi) is getting ready to flower.  
The edgeworthia looks like it wants to flower, but still needs some encouragement.
and the twisted hazel is covered in catkins this year.  I am extremely fond of this shrub, it must be around 15/16 years old as it spent its early years in a pot.  It has become a very fine shrub and has such a beautiful form.
In the top corner of the Wild Garden the hyacinths are flowering.
and there are still some snowdrops.
In the Courtyard the Viburnum is flowering away and giving out its wonderful scent.
and in the borders the first tulip has opened.  How exciting is that?
I finish on the pond, which is getting a bit of an algae-thing going on, so that will need some attention.  It is also filling up nicely with frogspawn.  It is, thanks to all the rain, very full.

Thanks as ever to Helen for hosting this meme.


  1. Looks wonderful Alison. So much to come! Still no frogspawn here. We are checking daily now and rather worried.

    1. After an early start with the frogspawn it seems to have paused, I think the recent cold snap has stopped play.

  2. I love peony shoots. The colour is amazing. Plus they tell me that Spring is really here.

    1. Same here, they are a real sign of hope. They are one of my favourite favourite plants.

  3. I checked for frogspawn this morning, but still nothing showing. The frogs probably don't like the frost nearly every night, so they must be waiting. Your spring border is wonderful, so many beautiful flowers!

    1. Thanks for the kind comment. I think that the cold nights are not helping, I wonder if once it warms up a little there will be more.

  4. The Rhamnus is gorgeous, shining like it is lit from within. I need to plant one somewhere. And your twisted hazel gives me hope that the one in my garden will eventually grow into something worthwhile.

    1. Thanks. Both shrubs spent their early years in pots as I didn't have anywhere to plant them in my previous garden. They have really come on well since planting out in the ground. The Rhamnus in particular has gone from being 'quite nice' to 'rather special'.

  5. Well hello.
    This March we had twice as much rain as March last year. That's official measurements from where I work.

    1. It has been a very wet start to the year :(

  6. Hi Alison,
    You've got such a lot going on in your garden--it's great to see all the different areas. I'll bet it keeps you busy, even this time of year!

  7. That Magnolia against the blue sky is, well, heavenly. Let's hope we get more of those blue skies soon. Peonies are wonderful the way they come up. Almost alien or jurassic like. Spring is looking good in your garden Alison.


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