Tree following - ahead of schedule

As January starts the recent gales and rain have now stripped the tree of all of its leaves.
As I look at the tree, even though it has now been in the garden a few years, I appreciate that it is still rather young.  As with all the trees that I have planted, many have been little more than elongated twigs when purchased.  This is mainly down to cost but I also tell myself that a younger tree will settle in better and establish itself quicker.  As I gaze upon the quince tree I wonder whether I am fooling myself.

The tree is now at its barest yet as I look closer I can see that it is already thinking about Spring.  The weather has been stormy in recent weeks but it has also been remarkably mild.  There is more than a glimmer of green at its tips, there are definite signs of leaf growth.
I cannot decide if this is cheering or of concern.  Well actually I can decide, I look on it with trepidation and cross the year off already as possibly giving me a quince.  If the tree gets growing too early then the chances of frost damaging the unformed fruit must be high.

As I look back on my previous tree following posts I can see that the tree is a little further than it was at the start of February last year; so a full four weeks ahead of schedule.  I am fairly certain that we still have the cold snap to come so I hope that the tree does not get too far ahead of itself.

As ever time will tell, the Quest for the Quince begins a new.

Thanks to Squirrelbasket for hosting this meme where many more followed trees can be found.


  1. I hope your little tree manages a fruit this year, don't worry if it doesn't though, it will be making lots of nice roots to feed the tree in years to come.

    1. That is what I tell myself, it is a beautiful tree whether it fruits or not, but I have to admit, I do want a quince, just one....

  2. Let's hope this year is the year #QuinceWatch

  3. Oh dear - hope springs eternal!
    Hope this will be your year of the quince.
    All the best :)

    1. If I get a quince you will hear the cheers from where you are :)

  4. Hang in there, tree and tree-follower!


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