Tree following - May or may not? will there be quince?

Be in no doubt, the focus is now clearly on whether there will be quince this year.  I may sound like a woman obsessed, probably because I think I am.  I look at my quince tree and I think 'this year, surely this year'.
I think that looks quite hopeful.
It looks like the beginning of a quincelet doesn't it?
I am pretty sure compared to this time last year that there looks more chance of the fruit setting.
and what does the tree say in reply?

 'don't call me Shirley'.  (ok, old joke I know, but I couldn't resist).

Thanks as ever to Lucy for hosting this meme, more trees can be found here:


  1. Yes, looks hopeful!
    All of us out here in Blog-Land will be hoping you get quince this year.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Quince--yummy. I hope it sets!

  3. That looks very hopeful, wishing you success!

  4. Fingers crossed that you get some fruit this year. What will you make with it?

  5. Also keeping fingers crossed for your father loved to grow quince.

  6. It looks like you may possibly be getting your quince wish this year! Hope to see some little quinces next month.

  7. Apologies for being so late to read about your quince this month. I wonder if it knows how many of us are cheering it on. Maybe that will make a difference?


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