If I close my eyes I can see a shrubbery

There is something about Autumn, when the leaves start to fall and the garden starts to die back that exposes the frameworks and enables clear-sight and planning to take place.  I have known for some time that change has to occur in the Wild Garden as whilst I like it and at its core it does what I wanted, it just isn't quite right.  There is something about it that does not quite tick all the boxes that I need it to.
So a couple of weeks ago it was scything time, a time I really enjoy as it is just so much fun to do.  I usually wait a few days before mowing after the scything, it just gives the garden just that little bit of time to settle.  Once the mowing is done suddenly the garden seems much larger.  The boundaries can be more clearly seen and there is a feeling of space.
Also in this equation add some Garrya Elliptica plants sent to me by Thompson and Morgan to trial.  These plants caused me some amusement as I had fairly recently written a post on my feelings about Garrya, so I looked at these plants with half-despair and half-challenge.  I have to trial these plants properly and it would be wrong of me to just discard them as I am not sure how I feel about them.  As I thought and thought a vision appeared in my mind: The Garrya Grove, yes I could have a grove of Garrya, what a great thing this would be.  This meant the two shrubs needed to go it to the top left hand corner of the Wild Garden.  At that point of the year that was pretty much impossible (impassible as well).  The wildness of the Wild Garden was in full swing and to dig through to create this grove would be just too much.  So the plants were kept in their pots and kept well watered through the summer.
Then last week I also received some Robinia 'Pink Marble' from Thompson and Morgan to trial and the pieces of the jigsaw finally slotted together.  The Garrya Grove will be at the top left hand corner of the garden.  Leading down from that towards the Woodland Border will be various shrubs including these Robinia and a rhododendron that is a nameless gift of a seedling, I do not even know what colour it is, time will tell.
So these plants have now been planted out.  I stand back and look at the Wild Garden and know that it will be different next year, the shrubbery and Grove will add a top boundary and a flow in the Woodland Border and the Bog Garden.  I think that in time the left-side of the garden will also get more shrubs of various sorts and the Wild Garden will be more framed than allowed to sprawl as it does now.
Well, that is the plan, watch this space as the Year of the Shrub develops over the next 12 months.
Shall we finish on the a song?  This has been running through my head all the time of writing this:


  1. Lovely song, but I can imagine how your wild garden will look like when the shrubs have grown up. It will definitely be The Year of the Shrub.

  2. Garrya comes into its own about February time. I inherited one here and have learnt to prune it back straight after flowering as it flowers the next year on wood produced this year. Its not much for the rest of the year, so maybe plant something in front to distract the eye! Its good to see all the plans you have, will look forward to seeing the results in time!

  3. Thanks Pauline that's great advice - I shall.


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