Is it too late for candy floss?

well no, in fact its candy floss time of year in my garden.

This is my Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Katsura) or Candy Floss tree.  Apparently it is also known as the Japanese Judas Tree.  I bought it about three years ago on the Isle of Man.
It is a remarkably beautiful tree.  In the spring it has these oval shaped leaves with brilliant red stems.  The leaves have a red tint and are very delicate and also they do flower, though mine has yet to do so.  So I am looking forward to when it does.
It is however this time of year when the tree has its brief moment of glory.  As with all good trees this time of year its leaves turn rather beautifully before falling to the ground.  Yet it is at this perfect moment that the tree releases the most intense scent of candy floss.  I knew that it did this before I bought this tree, but I didn't really appreciate that it really is true.  Yes I know that doesn't make sense, but often people will say - oh that plants smells of chocolate and you get a vague waft but often I remain largely unconvinced.  Well this tree does what it is meant to do.  You walk past on a still autumnal day and the smell of candy floss is there.  I admit I have to move closer to tree to get a better sniff, but it is there and it is distinct.
These trees do not like to be too dry and whilst I have had a really dry this year it has coped very well.  I am glad that it has had a couple of years to bed in before this drought hit as I fear I might have lost it otherwise.

Now I shall wait for it to flower.


  1. I've seen this tree before but not in flower. I would be very happy with the leaves. They are an unusual shape and colour.

    Thanks for putting a name to it for me.

  2. Thanks - I hope I do get to see it flower but it is a very beautiful tree whatever.


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