Quince envy

This time last year I planted a quince tree.  I have always wanted a quince tree and a runcible spoon to go with it.
It is a good healthy tree and I assiduously watered it throughout the year to help it survive the considerable lack of rain we have had this year.
Buds formed and I got very excited.  I really like the downy leaves on this year.  I had not realised they were so pretty as a tree in themselves never mind the eldorado of the quince fruit to come.
The blossom opened and then my excitement went into overload.  Would I have quince fruit this year.......?
....... no I would not.  The blossoms did not set and just fell off once the flower time was over.  I was hugely disappointed. 

So why I am writing this now?  This was months ago I should be over this disappointment by now.  Well in truth I am over it as with anything that happens in the garden there is always next year.  I did not really think I would be so lucky as to get fruit in the first year of planting.  This is however the time of year when magazines contain quince recipes.  On Twitter people are talking of their quince gin and quince jelly.  When staying in a B&B recently I had their home-made quince jelly on my toast for breakfast and this has all led me to have a real case of quince envy.

Next year I will be watching my tree even more keenly hoping for that elusive fruit.



  1. OUr quince is about four years old. We get lots of blossom and even quite a few fruit which gradually fall off. None have ever grown to full size in spite of watering etc. DID you see the size of one of Monty Don's Quinces on GW? Have read up on them it does take at least five years for them to produce good fruit. So you and I both will have to buy our membrillo until then. On the positive side isn't the blossom pretty?

  2. Gosh - 4 more years to go then! Still I think it is worth it, it is a lovely tree and yes the blossom is beautiful.

  3. Waitrose were selling Quinces a few weeks ago and may still have them if you're really keen, otherwise 4 years will fly by


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