Wordless Wednesday - red rain July 27, 2011 Get link Facebook X Pinterest Email Other Apps Comments Bridget27 July 2011 at 09:03What a beautiful image!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyJanet27 July 2011 at 09:42Put me out of my misery! What is this the leaf of and is this a seasonal colour? I'm trying to find a word to describe it other than "Wow"....ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyHelen/patientgardener27 July 2011 at 10:18I would be grateful for any rain, regardless of the colour. Lovely pictureReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAlison Levey27 July 2011 at 11:15Hi Janet. It's the new growth on a rose, not sure of the name of this one though as was sent to me as a Gertrude Jekyll but definitely isnt one!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAlison Levey27 July 2011 at 11:16Hi Helen - yes rain has been really sparse here this year, seen very little really, was having to water in some new stuff only yesterday.ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAnonymous27 July 2011 at 16:46Love rain drop pics!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyThe Sage Butterfly28 July 2011 at 00:42Stunningly beautiful! Your choice of a shot was excellent! happy WW!ReplyDeleteRepliesReplyAdd commentLoad more... Post a Comment Comments are approved before being published
What a beautiful image!
ReplyDeletePut me out of my misery! What is this the leaf of and is this a seasonal colour? I'm trying to find a word to describe it other than "Wow"....
ReplyDeleteI would be grateful for any rain, regardless of the colour. Lovely picture
ReplyDeleteHi Janet. It's the new growth on a rose, not sure of the name of this one though as was sent to me as a Gertrude Jekyll but definitely isnt one!
ReplyDeleteHi Helen - yes rain has been really sparse here this year, seen very little really, was having to water in some new stuff only yesterday.
ReplyDeleteLove rain drop pics!
ReplyDeleteStunningly beautiful! Your choice of a shot was excellent! happy WW!