Introduction to the garden

Thought it would make sense if I made some sort of description of the garden - try and put things into context:

I’ve lived here since 2007.  It is fair to say I bought this garden and house, as that was the order of decision making.  The house is fairly ordinary, 1930s ex-local authority semi.  The garden was mainly a large lawn so the potential was amazing.  I live in the East Midlands, not too far from anywhere really which makes it really nice.  I have a full time job so gardening is weekends, evenings and days off.  It is, it is fair to say, my obsession and it makes me happy.

So – here is the general description of what I have.

About a third of an acre that surrounds the house on three sides (semi – remember).  When I moved in the front garden consisted mainly of lawn and some large shrubs that blocked out light to the house.  Shrubs are now consigned to the front hedge and the main front lawn is now replaced by an knot garden.  This was planted about two years ago and is still in its infancy.  It is not right and does not make me happy yet.  I keep tweaking it but I think it will be an ongoing saga for some time.  I sometimes think I should have left it as lawn.

The side lawn at the front is disappearing in a piece-meal fashion.  One side was dug up a few weeks ago to enable a lavender low hedge to be planted to match the other side of the path.

In between the front garden and the back garden is a small gravely area just outside the kitchen window.  This is now starting to get some self-seeders inhabiting it and it has a few crocus in it for colour this time of year. 

The back garden is still largely lawn, but now has a large-ish pond in the lower third surrounded by quite a large flower border.  This gets a lot of sun and is particularly good for dahlias.  It also has some bamboo and grasses, quite a few roses and a hamammelis. 

There is a row of hornbeams planted last year to divide the garden up a bit, which one day will be pleached.

There are large borders close to the back of the house leading up to the bramley apple tree.  These have lots of roses, foxgloves, some perennial grasses and astrantias.  There is a rose arch with Souvenir de Dr Jarmin and a Mme Alfred Carriere roses climbing over it, plus a pink clematis purchased on the Isle of Man.

The top left third of the garden is largely trees and shrubs and lots of wildflowers.  I tend to mow paths through this throughout the year, ending with an annual scything September/October time to keep it in check.  That area is developing quite well so far, though still needs work.

That is the overview.  Photos will follow.
